Saturday, June 18, 2011

Murder Murder She Wrote

Some of you may have started to wonder if I have been murdered. Well, I haven't been murdered. If I had been murdered, I wouldn't be able to write this.

Sadly, I have become caught up in being a Hollywood Actor, and as a Hollywood Actor, thinking too much can really get in the way, especially when the Hollywood Acting job is to lay in a bed and drool.

Sometimes, I do imagine being murdered though. I don't know anyone who doesn't have these thoughts. I just hope that my friends are clever enough to kill me cleverly, so that the only way they could possibly be caught is if say... an old woman who writes crime novels stumbled into my life just before my killer or killers carried out their plan.

Fine! You didn't come here to hear my musings about my own murder (lots of alliteration in that). You came here to get an idea that might make you a millionaire, and here it is.

I have been watching a bunch of murder mystery movies and TV shows etc. and I started wondering what would happen in each case if the murderer didn't just confess at the end, and even when they do confess if that confession would actually be admissible as evidence. Basically, would these murderers actually be convicted in a court of law.

People love court cases... as long as they are not asked to be on the jury or involved in any sort of way that would actually affect them. That's why Nancy Grace has a career. That's why there are dozens of Law & Order shows. That's why Matlock was the man. That's why we have F'N Court TV, or as some people call it, "The House That OJ Built."

Murder Murder She Wrote would be Mystery Science Theater 3000 meets Murder She Wrote meets Court TV. Two lawyers give color commentary and arguments for and against the murderer, arguing as to whether or not they believe the murderer would be convicted based on things like admissibility of evidence, confessions, and witness testimony. Would the jury be sympathetic? Etc. etc. etc...

Of course one of the lawyers would be a hot chick with a bitchy face and the other would be a flamboyantly gay man with more tenacity and sass than Jessica Fletcher herself.

People love Murder She Wrote. People love legal arguments... again as long as they aren't actually involved. Plus, this show would cost almost nothing to produce. You need a green screen, two lawyers, a camera, an editor, and the rights to Murder She Wrote, which is probably almost in the public domain by now. Did I mention that one of the lawyers is a hot chick with a bitchy face, and people love that! Shows get sold based completely on the weight that a hot bitchy face carries.

You can make this a hit show. You can make money off of it. You can send me some of that money. Please?

P.S. I am still on Twitter -@ideasbychuck

P.P.S. I still have another website -

P.P.P.S. I still need money.